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08:14 04-07-2024
Vadrya Pokshtya
Hello! I am very impressed by the number of games you have implemented on ZoG. This is just amazing!
As the author of more than a dozen chess variants, I would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with my chess variants, which have aroused enormous interest among players.
Wild Rose Chess - https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/wild-rose-chess
Battle of Kings - https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/battle-of-kings-
I also have a version of checkers for which online correspondence tournaments are already taking place. In English, the rules were published by me on reddit - Russian Besiege Checkers - https://www.reddit.com/r/checkers/comments/182muxi/russian_besiege_checkers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
I hope you will be interested in my ideas. Thank you!
01:43 11-30-2023
I found this website in the sources section of the Wikipedia page for hare game. it feels like I found a fossil
09:07 11-14-2023
Marino Carpignano
In my site www.pergioco.net you can find other italian checkers variants: www.pergioco.net/dama-triestina.html, www.pergioco.net/dama-ticinese.html, www.pergioco.net/damone.html.
18:49 05-15-2023
Pedro Izecksohn
The minixiangqi variant with leopards is solved. I developed a Python 3 version of it and together with my assistant we solved it. Who begins may force a win.
17:28 04-12-2023
Roberto Cassano
Have you interest for Italian Progressive Chess and can you write program for play this variant ?

15:38 02-07-2023
Thank you for your dedication and generosity of sharing all that you have shared. I have studied words for 50+ years and they lead me to the chess board... I have 100+ versions (perspectives) of chess... all from word studies... yet, today is the first time I found ChessVariants and your website... I am working on sharing my perspectives through children's books and art on mugs (can + vase)... would be great to chat... sent you an email... thank you, again...
20:37 11-27-2022
Winther's Chess Fan
Please feel free to take 100% credit for publishing and make any modifications to any errors I made, I would just like to see this variant see the light of day.

Not sure why the website displays emojis instead of ) the unwanted emojis are these > obviously )
20:31 11-27-2022
Winther's Chess Fan
Here is a Chess Variant I spun up. Inspiration from many of Winther's variants. Please feel free to post at ZoG.

; *** Copyright 1998-2003 Zillions of Games Development v.2.0.1 You need to purchase Zillions of Games to load this rules file. Visit the Zillions website at http://www.zillions-of-games.com
(define leap1 ($1 (verify not-friend?) add) )
(define leap2 ($1 $2 (verify not-friend?) add) )
(define king-shift ($1 (verify not-friend?) (set-attribute never-moved? false) add) )
(define slide ($1 (while empty? add $1) (verify not-friend?) add))
(define rook-slide (
(while empty? (set-attribute never-moved? false) add $1)
(verify not-friend?)
(set-attribute never-moved? false)
(define O-O
( (verify never-moved?)
e ; KB1
(verify empty?)
e ; KN1
(verify empty?)
e ; KR1
(verify (and friend? (piece? Rook) never-moved?) )
back ; K1
; Save expensive not-attacked?s for last
(verify not-attacked?)
e ; KB1
(verify not-attacked?)
(set-attribute never-moved? false)
e ; KN1
(set-attribute never-moved? false)
(define O-O-O
( (verify never-moved?)
w ; Q1
(verify empty?)
w ; QB1
(verify empty?)
w ; QN1
(verify empty?)
w ; QR1
(verify (and friend? (piece? Rook) never-moved?) )
back ; K1
; Save expensive not-attacked?s for last
(verify not-attacked?)
w ; Q1
(verify not-attacked?)
(set-attribute never-moved? false)
w ; QB1
(set-attribute never-moved? false)
(define Pawn-add
(if (in-zone? promotion-zone) (add Knight Bishop Rook Queen) else add)
(define Pawn-move
(verify empty?)
(verify (in-zone? third-rank))
(verify empty?)
(define Pawn-capture
(verify enemy?)
(define En-Passant
(verify enemy?)
(verify last-to?)
(verify (piece? Pawn))
(verify last-from?)
(define Board-Definitions
(image "images\Chess\Chess8x8.bmp" "images\Chess\SHaag\Chess8x8.bmp"
(start-rectangle 5 5 53 53)
("a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h" (49 0)) ; files
("8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1" (0 49)) ; ranks
(directions (n 0 -1) (e 1 0) (s 0 1) (w -1 0)
(ne 1 -1) (nw -1 -1) (se 1 1) (sw -1 1)
(symmetry Black (n s)(s n) (nw sw)(sw nw) (ne se)(se ne))
(name promotion-zone)
(players White)
(positions a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8)
(name promotion-zone)
(players Black)
(positions a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1)
(name third-rank)
(players White)
(positions a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3)
(name third-rank)
(players Black)
(positions a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6)
(title "Chess with Initial Draft, Variant 1: Turn-Order White*5 Black*5 Repeat White Black"
(description "Description. Same rules as classical chess apply, it is the same game. The rules are simple. The starting position of pawns, kings and rooks are identical to classical chess and castling rules remain unchanged. In Variant 1 the white player freely places all back rank material, then the black player freely places all back rank material. The game continues identical to classical chess. This offers a means to break away from mirrored RNBQKBNR as the ONLY start position. All of the classical chess openings are relevant if both players pursue that familiar FEN."
(history "History. A chess notation example for Variant 1: 1.RNBQKBNR RBBQKNNR 2.e4 e5 3.etc. Castling began in the 16th century, there were many variants of king and rook placement until the modern standard. There is no need to alter this classical chess mechanic."
(strategy "Strategy. Memorization of openings and computer play can be embraced by both players or neutralized by any single player while in-game. Otherwise, regular chess strategy is used. Starting the game with both bishops on same-colored squares is allowed but tends to be weaker than the traditional bishop pair. Queens are resilient on the d-file."
(option "prevent flipping" 2)
(win-sound "Audio\Orchestra_CF.wav"
(loss-sound "Audio\Orchestra_FC.wav"
(click-sound "Audio\Pickup.wav"
(release-sound "Audio\WoodThunk.wav"
(players White Black)
(define progressive-turns
White White White White White
Black Black Black Black Black
(board (Board-Definitions))
(define drop-rules
(move-type drop)
(verify empty?)
(verify (in-zone? drop-zone))
(define drop-zone1
(board (Board-Definitions)
(name drop-zone)
(players White)
(positions b1 c1 d1 f1 g1)
(name drop-zone)
(players Black)
(positions b8 c8 d8 f8 g8)
(pass-turn false)
(move-priorities drop moving)
(Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2)
(Rook a1 h1)
(King e1)
(Knight off 2)
(Bishop off 2)
(Queen off 1)
(Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7)
(Rook a8 h8)
(King e8)
(Knight off 2)
(Bishop off 2)
(Rook off 2)
(Queen off 1)
(name Pawn)
(help "Pawn"
(description "Pawn"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wpawn.bmp" "images\Chess\wpawn.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\bpawn.bmp" "images\Chess\bpawn.bmp"
(Pawn-capture nw)
(Pawn-capture ne)
(En-Passant e)
(En-Passant w)
(name Knight)
(help "Knight"
(description "Knight"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wknight.bmp" "images\Chess\wknight.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\bknight.bmp" "images\Chess\bknight.bmp"
(leap2 n ne)
(leap2 n nw)
(leap2 s se)
(leap2 s sw)
(leap2 e ne)
(leap2 e se)
(leap2 w nw)
(leap2 w sw)
(name Bishop)
(help "Bishop"
(description "Bishop"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wbishop.bmp" "images\Chess\wbishop.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\bbishop.bmp" "images\Chess\bbishop.bmp"
(slide ne)
(slide nw)
(slide se)
(slide sw)
(name Rook)
(help "Rook"
(description "Rook"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wrook.bmp" "images\Chess\wrook.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\brook.bmp" "images\Chess\brook.bmp"
(attribute never-moved? true)
(rook-slide n)
(rook-slide e)
(rook-slide s)
(rook-slide w)
(name Queen)
(help "Queen"
(description "Queen"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wqueen.bmp" "images\Chess\wqueen.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\bqueen.bmp" "images\Chess\bqueen.bmp"
(slide n)
(slide e)
(slide s)
(slide w)
(slide ne)
(slide nw)
(slide se)
(slide sw)
(name King)
(help "King"
(description "King"
(image White "images\Chess\SHaag\wking.bmp" "images\Chess\wking.bmp"
Black "images\Chess\SHaag\bking.bmp" "images\Chess\bking.bmp"
(attribute never-moved? true)
(king-shift n)
(king-shift e)
(king-shift s)
(king-shift w)
(king-shift ne)
(king-shift nw)
(king-shift se)
(king-shift sw)
(loss-condition (White Black) (checkmated King) )
(title "Chess with Initial Draft, Variant 2: Turn-Order White Black"
(description "Description. In Variant 2 the same process occurs except drafting is done piecewise by alternating turn."
(history "History. In Variant 2 the same process occurs except drafting is done piecewise by alternating turn."
(strategy "Strategy. In Variant 2 the same process occurs except drafting is done piecewise by alternating turn."
(players White Black)
(turn-order White Black)
(board (Board-Definitions))
(pass-turn false)
(move-priorities drop moving)
17:15 09-08-2022
Mats Winther,
I recently purchased PerfectBase98 (includes Tascbase 2.1) from USCF ($10). I see several of your postings in web searches but I was wondering if there is a compilation of your Tascbase writings available for download?
Thank you for your reply.
21:53 12-31-2021
Janusz Orzelek
Mats Winther,
I live in Poland, I like checkers very much and I am interested in various variants of checkers
I am very interested in different variants of checkers I kindly ask for more information on the following matter: what are the rules of checkers played in Bahrain (Arab/Bahrain checkers),
in particular the rule for attacked/threatened man that must move if possible.
Please provide illustrated examples. I would like to know more details about this rule.
I would be grateful for information on articles and books and websites containing these rules of the game.
I would be grateful if you could answer me as soon as possible.

Your sincerely
Janusz Orzelek
11:55 06-13-2021
Many thanks for interesting info about different games.
18:35 01-27-2021
Janusz Orzelek
I thank you for the wonderful and interesting site on the different board games.
I have a query about Siberian draughts , what are they originally called in Russian. I searched for them a long time on Russian draughts sites, but I did not find any suitable variant under this name with literal translation.

I will be very grateful for your answer.

Yours faithfully

Janusz Orzelek
06:32 01-23-2021
Domenic Avola
So glad that I happened to stumble upon this website. Wicked informative and very well put together. I will be spending many nights reading through all your posts/articles.
Your effort is much appreciated!
12:57 06-11-2020
rachel Kupferman
I am really interested in your research on the Hare hunt. I would like to site your webpage in my PhD dissertation. Can you email me the author's name (Mats Winther?) and any other information I should add to the bibliography page?
22:42 04-05-2020
Jean-Louis Cazaux
Hello Mats. I think we had been in touch long time ago. I'm not sure. I'm the author of A World of Chess (McFarland,2017) and several chess variants.
I would like to ask you something about your Pioneer Chess. Could you please mail me if you see this message? Thank you
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